For an installation of our upload portal we need a few details. This may seem very confusing, so we have created an overview here, which contains all the information.
What are the technical requirements?
The website upload portal requires a web space to be made available on the Internet. For this purpose, web hosting packages of a web hoster are suitable. Our Upload Portal has the following minimum requirements:
- 1x Domain (Sub-Domain)
- Webspace (storage space) mind. 1 GB
- 1x MySQL-Database
- 1x E-Mail box (IMAP)
- SSL certificate for subdomain*
* SSL encryption is required for the selected subdomain. Some hosters offer the integration of a free Let’sEncrypt certificate also for subdomains. With hosters where this is not possible, a so-called “wildcard certificate” must be added. This protects a main domain and all created sub-domains.
If you already have a web space on which, for example, your current website is installed, it would only be important to check whether the specified resources are still free. Usually, web space packages have significantly more resources than are needed for a single website.
What data does OWLLAB need for the installation?
The installation requires some technical settings and facilities on the web host. We can take care of these for you or you can do them yourself and allow us to access the required resources.
You can choose one of the following solutions:
When you provide us with the login details to your hosting package, we will set everything up for you so that you don’t have to worry about anything technical.
Solution 2: Individual data and settings
Of course, if you don’t want to provide us with access to your hosting package, that’s absolutely understandable. However, in this case we will need the following technical data and settings:
SSL Certificate
The selected subdomain must be secured with an SSL certificate. For this, depending on the hoster, a so-called “wildcard certificate” (SSL certificate that not only secures the main domain, but also all associated subdomains) must be booked. Other hosters allow the integration of a free SSL certificate (e.g.: Let’s Encrypt) also for subdomains.
FTP or SFTP access
MySQL Database
IMAP email address / mailbox
The required PHP version is currently PHP7.3 or PHP 7.4.
An adaptation to PHP8 is in progress, so the conversion should be possible later on
What does OWLLAB need for design customization?
With the purchase of the upload portal is also an adaptation to their design concept included. If you already have a website, we adapt the upload portal so that the visitor hardly notices a page change. If you have a different design wish, we adapt the portal according to your ideas.
Solution 1: Adoption of concept of an existing website
Do you currently not have a website or do you want a different concept for your upload portal? In this case we need:
Desired design concept
Let us know what your ideas are for the appearance of your new upload portal.
Especially the desired color concept is very important.
Tell us your desired colors in the form of HEX or RGB codes.
Solution 2: Individual desired concept
If a website already exists, we are happy to follow the design used there and take over the design concept.
For this we only need:
Information that has been highlighted is data that should be provided to us.